Logo Aquadoc blanc

Turnkey Irrigation Projects

Our services


You are a
a farmer


You are a
a community


You are a
a group of irrigators

(ASA and managers or networks)

Aquadoc, a company
expert in water

Aquadoc is a company with expertise in water, developing three business lines:

> Water for agriculture: Water for agriculture: Production, installation and maintenance of irrigation systems for agricultural professionals. A large part of our business is devoted to innovation and the development of agri-environmental solutions.

> Water for communities: Studies of pumping solutions, rainwater and wastewater collection, water treatment and filtration for local authorities and public works companies. Design and construction of washing areas, sprayer filling areas and grape harvesting machines.

> Water for the ASA: Accompagnement des Associations syndicales. Réalisation de solutions de pompages, traitement de l’eau et filtration. Création de réseaux primaires et secondaires. Équipement complet de réseaux collectifs d’irrigation connectés, via ANDROMEDE.

Andromede irrigation reinvented 

ANDROMEDE is a software and hardware solution designed and developed to respond to cases of collective use of an irrigation water resource, with the aim of covering the maximum surface area from the available flows.

The ANDROMEDE solution allows the control of the quantities of water brought to the plot of land, to have information in real time, for the network operator and the irrigator.

ANDROMEDE Irrigation is a tailor-made and universal solution, which can be integrated into any irrigation network, whatever its size, location or management method.

Our services


Project study
made to measure


Stock and


Sale of supplies





aquadoc news

Article test traduction in english please
Article test version english pleaseFace aux changements climatiques, le monde de l’agriculture ...

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to join us?


Would you like to join Aquadoc?
Consult our job offers to apply.

The partners

Founding member of the network

Logo Flowin

Flowin is a referral centre created in 2015.
It brings together designers, installers and distributors of irrigation and pumping equipment for agriculture from the Pays de la Loire,
to the Occitanie – Pyrenees and Mediterranean and Rhônes-Alpes regions.

11 agences en Occitanie Provence et
Vallée du Rhône

11 branches in Occitanie Provence and
Rhône Valley